You are currently viewing CodeMash Day Three
Codemash 2019

CodeMash Day Three

CodeMash ( is a technical conference targeted towards developers which is held in the first of January in Sandusky, Ohio at the Kalahari Resort and Conference Center.  In 2019, it was held during January 8-11 with the first two days as a precompiler (workshops), and the last two days are the conference.  See  It is widely attended by developers from around the country.  The conference has vendors who demonstrate their development products, like JetBrains and Quicken, as well as technical recruiters.

The slack channel for codemash is

A master list of the presentation links can be found at

I attended the conference this year and here is a quick summary.  Summaries:

Some precompiler links of interest found in under #precompilers.  The prerequisites were at

Alexa workshop.

Go workshop.  The golang site is

Building a Production-Ready React Native App.

A Hands-On Intro to Containers.


Data Management in a Microservices World.


Day Three

Kafka the Hard Parts

Chris Keathley presented on Kafka.  He talked about partitioning, data formats, testing, and logging.  A few rough notes below.

Within a partition, the messages are ordered.  Not between partitions.
  • Java client
  • librdkafka
To_int(hash(userid)) % partitions.    For hashing into a partition.
Random partition is best if you can avoid ordering
NORM – built a self-describing data format, without versions – extend, don’t version

Property based testing – What should be the final state?

Wisen – checks if a consumer is falling behind or sees a rise in errors. They wrote this tool internally
Use open tracing instead of logging
  • Looks like the network graph in a browser
CQRS and Event Sourcing

How a PoC at home can scale to Enterprise Level using Custom Vision APIs

On day three, I attended a presentation on Vision APIs by Bruno Capuano.  He is using Machine Learning frameworks to identify objects and people in images.  I only captured one picture of the presentation.

One of the major topics at CodeMash is Machine Learning.

ONNX – windows ML.

Is AI Right for Me?

Amber McKenzie gave a general discussion on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.  All of the slides below except the first one are from Amber.

Begin Your Machine Learning Journey in the Public Cloud

John Dages talked about ML and AI.

ML is the practice of using algorithms to parse data, learn from it, and make a determination or prediction about something in the world.  – Nvidia
AI – capability to leverage data in imitation of  intelligent human behavior. ML algorithms have been around since WWII.
Classification algorithms – decide if A or B.
ML – looking at all the data on something like a customer’s income and spending
  • Regression algorithms
  • Clustering algorithms

ML in the cloud

  • AWS SageMaker – integration with AWS tools – RDS, Redshift, Glue.
    • Pre-optimized algorithms
    • Devops pipeline

MS Machine Learning Services

  • Integration with azure toolchain – app services, azure sql, ADL, data factory
  • Use notebooks
  • API deployment interface

Robotic Process Automation: Building a Digital Workforce

Mark Ramsey presented how Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is being used at Nationwide Insurance.  NW uses Automation Anywhere to automate repetitive manual processes.  RPA generally is a record and play back of browser screens with logic to handle data input and potential errors. 

Continuous Delivery Requires Radical Changes for Testers

Jeff Morgan, aka Chezy, talked about how he sets up his project teams for DevOps and testing.  He takes Agile and automation in the direction that everyone should be going.  Enjoy the slides.