Articles and Videos – 01/31/2021

Some Interesting Articles, Blogs, and Videos First up, a fairly complete article on finances.  It is on which allows only a certain number of free articles per month, but…

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Read more about the article The Economy, Investing, and COVID-19
2020 Stock Market Crash

The Economy, Investing, and COVID-19

March 20, 2020 YTD S&P 500 Returns The S&P 500 Index peaked on February 19, 2020 at 3386. The US market really started to decline after February 24.  On March…

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Read more about the article Why I Am Not Retiring Early
The balance between income and spend when you stop working.

Why I Am Not Retiring Early

I am not retiring early so that I save more money, fix up my house, buy a car, and help my family.

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Read more about the article Why I Like Oil Stocks
Oil Stocks Prices and Yields September 2019

Why I Like Oil Stocks

Right now in the fall of 2019, oil stocks are priced very low but they have a high dividend so it is a great time to buy.

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Always Being Right Is Wrong

ConfidenceThe IT industry tends to reward confidence, especially in leadership and consulting roles.   People in those roles have to demonstrate conviction in their words and leadership style.  It is because…

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